Hi-Lo camper travel trailer forum

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guitarman023 02-27-2018 07:26 AM

Contemplating selling my hilo, not sure what it's worth
Thinking about selling my 69', I really don't want to, I will never find another one in this configuration, but we just had a baby and it's going to be awhile before I can go camp again. Anybody have suggestions on what it might be worth?

Here is the build thread:


sam 02-27-2018 08:50 PM

Keep the HiLo and go camping
We went camping with our daughter when she was six months old. Every year she went camping with us. She still camps with us one weekend a month and is 29yrs. old. You will find your self camping at places with playgrounds and kids activities.

Treeclimber 02-28-2018 07:25 AM

Same with my grandson. He was in a bassinet in their pop-up! As he grew, so did their camper. They now have a 37' 5th wheel and he helps with set up and breaking camp. It's in his blood.

JackandJanet 02-28-2018 09:31 AM

Yup - don't be in a hurry to get rid of the camper. Youngsters need to learn the joys of camping so they see it as a fun experience.

Our Grandson recently hiked down to the Colorado River and back up again at the Grand Canyon in one day! He loves hiking, and I think it's due to us taking him camping and hiking when he was young.

- Jack

hilltool 02-28-2018 10:14 AM

Ditto on camping with kids. That said, maybe you are under some pressure to bring in a bit of extra cash ??:)

Given what you have and what you have done to it- I really suggest checking out vintage camper sites and seeing what people are getting and for what. That is likely your best market i would think to establish a general idea.


guitarman023 08-18-2018 03:21 PM

Thanks guys, I think it was a knee jerk reaction. I'm finally planning a trip for sept. My wife isn't ready to camp with the baby yet, and I don't want to take her by myself yet. But she's now 14 months old and much easier to deal with, so I'm taking off for a few days to relax in the woods.

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