This is the recommended "Tool List", compiled 10/01:
Air compressor, 12v
Ant bait/spray
Batteries, AAA, AA, C, D, etc.
Battery charger, 12 v
Bottle/Farm/Scissor jack
Bulbs, 1157 & 1156 spares
Bungee cords
DiCor Sealant Caulking
Caulk gun
Come-along, 2 ton
Drain snake/Plunger
Drill bits and Screw tips
Drill/Screw gun
Duck tape/Gorilla tape
Electrical connectors assortment & Crimper
Electricians tape
Emergency Road Flares
First-aid Kit
Fuses for Hi-Lo &TV
Gas Can
Green Slime
Hammer, Screwdrivers, Wrenches, Pliers
Hand cleaner, JoJo
Heavy duty grease
Impact wrench, 12v
Insect repellent
Jumper cables
Lighter/Waterproof Matches
Lock, Ball hitch
Lock, X-Chock
Lug wrench, 4-way
Parachute cord/Anchor ropes
Rubber gloves
Sewer cap
Sewer treatment tabs
Staple gun
Tire chains (seasonal)
Tire gage, dial type
Tire valve tool
Tire, spare
Transmission fluid
Wheel Chocks/X-Chock
WD-40/Penetrating Oil
Zip Ties
Small Trailer to carry them in!