On our 1969, I never experience a flat...I know its hard to believe. I did however, rotate the tires. In my non- sloping driveway I used a bottle jack under the axle (and yes, it is a genuine axle) where the leaf spring is shackled. Honestly though, I was never comfortable doing it that way, and I would NEVER suggest jacking directly on the "axle" of a Dexter setup.
Then they invented the Tire Aid (At this point, listen closely and you here the heavenly trumpets). It's a hard rubber ramp that you can drive one tire onto, and it will lift the other tire (assuming a tandem axle setup) enough to remove/replace it on the hub.
It's a great investment. Safer for both you, and your Hi-Lo,
Regarding the surge brake: Is the missing "pin," one the two that hold the the damper shock? A pic here would be terrific.
Finally, it's been a while since I've looked, but I think the 1969 Manual has a little chart with info. about the tires used by different Hi-Lo models.