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Old 10-27-2010, 10:04 PM   #1
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Default need some advice on stopping water damage and leaks on my 78

i have leaks. i caulked all the seams put that snow rubber roofing and still get wet spots on walls and ceiling. ceiling spots are near crank up vent- vent in bath and front of camper in corners and now in back under window the whole bottom length. i sealed these spots, i don't know the walls/ceiling seem damp in those places. in the back is new so i think it must be the new marker lights i need to rewire . i though i got it all caulk good enough. did it over today during break in the rain . question: is there some special caulk or rubber paint i should be using instead of what i'm using? also the walls in spots like under sink window is like bowing out. you can push on it to kind of push it back but it pushes back. looks like crap cant be good. tried to cover it with floor tiles but they aren't sticking so well and also bow with wall. how do i stop or correct this . can i take paneling off and replace it? whats behind the paneling. don't want to get myself in over my head. also where the ceiling is water damaged. people tell me just take it down and replace with luand .is this true its no big deal to do? i'm running a dehumidifier in it now to try to dry her out . that shouldn't hurt anything should it? sorry about the flurry of questions . i'm going to save my 78 or pull my hair out trying .thanks to all for taking the time to reading! SEE PIC'S IN MY ALBUM

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Old 11-25-2010, 01:10 AM   #2
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i am new here and this is my 1st post, but your situation sounds like mine.
i just bought my 1st hi lo funchaser. its a 1984 and my papered walls are all smushy, i could probably spoon them out. yikes!
but the rest of the thing is solid. solid floors and roof. its just those papered walls behind the sink and in the bathroom that are shot.
its gonna have to stay that way, i can't fix stuff like that.
i haven't even spent a night in mine yet.

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Old 11-25-2010, 06:50 AM   #3
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Did you scrape out the old caulk first and then clean with a solvent so that the new caulk would seal?
All older trailers not just HI-LO's have the same kind of problems with water damage. There are some threads in the forum where they repaired the walls, do a search. The big problem is that some HI-LOs are all wood including the framing, some have metal frames, The cables pull out of the top part of the all wood ones when they get bad water damage. The new HI-LO parts and repair place that just opened claims to have bought all the records and manuals, they may be able to tell you if yours has a metal or wood framing. Again search the forum for there contact information.
Here is another place for parts and repair.
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Old 11-25-2010, 11:05 AM   #4
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i used Eternabond sealing tape to do my seams, its great stuff. i still have some leakage coming in behind the kitchen sink, i have no idea where it s coming from, everything looks sealed up. so its covered with a tarp for now. i will get it in the garage eventually. hopefully i can just use it as is and prevent it from getting any worse.
(if there is such a thing)

thanks for the links. i wrote him a letter, maybe someday i can afford to have it fixed, but it would probably be cheaper to just buy another one.
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Old 11-25-2010, 12:06 PM   #5
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My advice would be to get in touch with J&R Repair first. I was told the other service company doesn't have its feet on the ground yet.
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