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Old 11-08-2010, 12:46 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 25
Default Sewer Hookup

Well, despite our first practice camping trip's rather humorous calamities, we're trying again and extending our distance. I have a space reserved that has sewer hookup. Do I connect waste hose and open both black and gray water valves and just leave them open? Or, just the black water and flush with gray water on occasion? Appreciate if someone would give me the best procedure.
Now for the dumb question! I'm worried about finding gas stations that I can get in and out of without a problem. This can't be that difficult with so many trailers on the road with no problems. Am I overly concerned or do you all look for truck stops and keep filled up?

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Old 11-08-2010, 01:51 PM   #2
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You need to keep the black and gray water valves closed. Never leave the valves open because the liquids will run away leaving the solids behind, that can create problems of the unpleasant kind later on. When you need to empty make sure there will be plenty of liquid in the tanks to flush out the solids with a rush of water. When emptying open the black tank valve all the way and let it drain, once it has emptied open the gray water valve and let it empty. It will flush and rinse the hose. Don't forget to close the valves before disconnecting the hose. Also, make sure the hose has a good connection to the campground connection. You really don't want to have a smelly spill on the ground.

As for fueling up, I look for a station that has some turning space for both getting in and out. Look for pumps that are on the outside ends that may give you more space. Every place is different, you just don't want to box yourself into a spot you can't easily get out of. Avoid trying to back out, there are too many idiots zooming in and out that pay no attention to what others are doing. If you have to back up put your navigator out back to guide you. I have passed up gas stations because they were too tight.

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Old 11-08-2010, 02:16 PM   #3
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At least you don't have to worry about overhead clearance!

As we were leaving Mesa Verde National Park a couple years ago (and eating breakfast in the cafe near the campground), some poor soul pulled his trailer into the gas station there and unfortunately, the AC unit was just a bit too high to fit under the roof over the gas pumps. There was a loud "crash", and he stopped. Sadly, the AC was pretty banged up and it pushed down into the roof of his trailer. I think he would have been able to back out if he let most of the air out of his trailer's tires, but we didn't hang around to see. It was one of those "mansion on wheels" kind of rig that I'd hate to be pulling.

In all honesty, I've never found gas stations to be much of a problem. Just make sure you have a straight "pull-through" like Rich said and you'll be fine.

His advice about the tanks was spot-on too. While we hardly ever camp at a full hookup site, I never attach the drain hose until I'm ready to completely empty the tanks.

- Jack
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Old 11-08-2010, 02:36 PM   #4
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Default Thanks!

All makes sense. Sad story on the gas station accident. We very wise Hi-Lo owners don't have to worry about that! Hopefully, one day I'll be answering questions instead of asking them all.
BTW, one more quick point on J&R Repair. I needed 3 obscure rubber washers for my outside shower unit. Took J&R a week and I can't imagine where they found them but they arrived in an envelope yesterday!
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Old 11-08-2010, 07:03 PM   #5
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RichR's advice is good, also if you are hooked up to water, don't go crazy when washing and rinsing dishes, especially if your there for several days. Just dump often if you think you need to. First time we had that kind of hook up the wife over flowed the black water tank and by the time we smelled it the tub was half full and we had stuff stored in it all was wet.
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