TinMan - welcome to the forum! We're a friendly bunch and I'm sure someone with a 25 footer may be able to do as you ask.
It might help us if you were to post pictures of your problem area. I'm having trouble visualizing what happened there and can't think of ways to help you deal with it.
I'm going to change the title of your thread too, so that people will be alerted to your problem when they see it, and will know you are asking for help.
- Jack
Hi-Lo 1707T - Tire Minder TPMS on Tow Vehicle and Trailer, 300W Solar Battery Charger, Equal-i-zer WDH, Progressive Dynamics Converter, Fan-Tastic Fan, LiFePO4 battery 12V DC Electrical System
2024 F150 Platinum FX4 3.5L PowerBoost SCrew